Frelsi til ađ blóta

Ţetta er augljós leiđ til ađ klekkja á vinsćlum og gagnrýnum bloggurum og fá ţá til ađ nafngreina sig. „Hrćddur bloggari er góđur bloggari." Pútin er náttúrulega gamall KGB mađur og hefur engu gleymt. Svona virkar ţetta samkvćmt RT fréttamiđlinum:

The new bill introduces a definition of blogger to Russian legislation for the first time. Once it is signed into law popular blogs, defined as those that have 3000 or more visitors per day, will be registered in a special list maintained by the consumer rights agency Rospotrebnadzor. The authors will have to sign the posts with their real name and if it does not happen the state watchdog would require hosting providers and owners of blog platforms to provide the information. Refusal to comply will be punished with fines of between 10,000 and 30,000 rubles ($270- $833) for individuals and between 50,000 and 300,000 rubles ($1400- $8300) for businesses.


KGB Bannađ ađ blóta í Rússlandi
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