
Núna er víst til eitthvað sem heitir „Jihadi cool". Breskur blaðamaður skrifar: 

Hence Reyaad Khan from Cardiff, the ex-student who boastfully tweeted about watching “the longest decapitation ever”, and also asked: “Anyone want to sponsor my explosive belt? Gucci, give me a shout.” George Orwell, among many others, believed that genocidal fascism could never take root among the British because we would laugh it into oblivion.

But what if you can chuckle, hate and slaughter all at once? Something about this blood-soaked jihadi cool does have a “Made in Britain” stamp. Elements of sectarian religiosity, sheer adventurism and cocksure, screw-you street swagger have combined into a peculiarly heady and toxic alloy.

Heimild: http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/jihadi-john-and-his-fellow-isis-fighters-from-the-uk-are-flippant-fanatical-and-distinctly-british-9686689.html

Hvílík veröld. Kannski var Andrew Eldritch, aðalsprautan í Sisters of Mercy, forspár þegar hann gaf út lagið „Jihad," undir nafninu The Sisterhood, árið 1986. 


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