Stríð og friður
3.11.2013 | 03:52
George Orwell tók þátt í spænsku borgarastyrjöldinni og hafði þetta að segja:
One has to remember this to see the Spanish war in its true perspective. When one thinks of the cruelty, squalor, and futility of War and in this particular case of the intrigues, the persecutions, the lies and the misunderstandings there is always the temptation to say: One side is as bad as the other. I am neutral. In practice, however, one cannot be neutral, and there is hardly such a thing as a war in which it makes no difference who wins. Nearly always one stands more or less for progress, the other side more or less for reaction. The hatred which the Spanish Republic excited in millionaires, dukes, cardinals, play-boys, Blimps, and what-not would in itself be enough to show one how the land lay. In essence it was a class war. If it had been won, the cause of the common people everywhere would have been strengthened. It was lost, and the dividend-drawers all over the world rubbed their hands. That was the real issue; all else was froth on its surface.
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