23.8.2014 | 20:54
Stundum eru smásögur besta lestrarefniđ. D. H. Lawerence skrifađi margar áhrifamiklar smásögur. Hann hafđi ákveđnar skođanir á hinu og ţessu, en hann sagđi líka: Never trust the teller, trust the tale." Ţetta er ađ mínu mati eitt best ráđ sem lesendur og gagnrýnendur geta fengiđ. Hér er brot úr sögu hans "England, My England".
So she prayed beside the bed of her child. And like the Mother with the seven swords in her breast, slowly her heart of pride and passion died in her breast, bleeding away. Slowly it died, bleeding away, and she turned to the Church for comfort, to Jesus, to the Mother of God, but most of all, to that great and enduring institution, the Roman Catholic Church. She withdrew into the shadow of the Church. She was a mother with three children. But in her soul she died, her heart of pride and passion and desire bled to death, her soul belonged to her church, her body belonged to her duty as a mother.
Eins og svo oft áđur í skrifum Lawrence fléttast líf og dauđi saman á dularfullan og sannfćrandi hátt.
Bćta viđ athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hćgt ađ skrifa athugasemdir viđ fćrsluna, ţar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liđin.