Siđferđi ráđherra siđferđis

Hér er dćmi um siđferđi Simons Lakodo, ráđherra siđferđis og siđvendni. Leikarinn Stephen Fry spjallađi viđ ráđherrann:

  • Stephen Fry: Hahaha... There's no rape in Africa is there? There's no young girls being raped in Africa...
  • Simon Lokodo: There are but not-
  • Stephen Fry: oh there are thousands of them so surely heterosexuality is far more dangerous to children then homosexuality. Far more! It's a country where heterosexual rape is almost endemic!
  • Simon Lokodo: I say. Let. Them. Do. It.
  • Stephen Fry: Oh 'let them do it' ?
  • Simon Lokodo: But let them do it the right way.
  • Stephen Fry: Oh let them do it the right way? Let them rape children the right way? What are you talking about?
  • Simon Lokodo: I'm saying, at least it is natural way of desiring sex.
  • Stephen Fry: OH! That's okay then! So it's okay to... but for two men who wish, who consent to have sex together in private is bad, but it's okay for a man to rape a woman 'cause at least it's the right way...
  • Simon Lokodo: You're giving two comparison which don't meet. Which, those comparisons do not compare at all.
  • Stephen Fry: Well that's what you've said to me. You said let them do it the right way!
  • Simon Lokodo: Well take it the way you want but what I'm telling you is. It is not permissible in Uganda, for single sex relationship. Finished. And if you are advocating that, I'm sorry I will treat you as a destructor of Uganda's ideologies.

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