Kossar og einsemd

Fékk Sigmundur Davíð engan koss? Hann virkar svo rosalega einmana á myndinni sem fylgir greininni. En það er einmanalegt á toppnum. Mick Jagger og Keith Richards sömdu lag um þetta, sem var á fyrstu sólóplötu Jaggers.

Sigmundur Davíð










Lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely
God knows you're ambitious, see you push so hard.
You want to get to the top of the heap
from Sunset Boulevard.

Oh, it leads small-town girls astray.
Oh, it leads small-town girls astray.
'Cause it's lonely, lonely at the top.
Baby it's hot!
It's lonely, lonely at the top. Baby it's hot.

They're going to tear your soul away.

Theatre is deserted and the boards are bare.
You're next up for the reading and you're feeling scared.

Oh, but you really want the part so bad.
Yeah, go on show them how a star should act.

Yeah it's lonely, lonely at the top.
Baby it's hot. Yeah, it's lonely, lonely at the top.
Baby it's hot. They're going to tear your soul away.

You could be a doctor, you could be a nurse.
There's no time to rehearse.
You work as a waitress, you clean up the bar.
But soon you'll be noticed. You're a star!

You get your nomination, your heart's beating fast.
Yes, and the winner is you! You won the prize at last.

Oh, it leads small-town girls astray.
Oh, it leads small-town girls astray.
'Cause it's lonely, lonely at the top.
Yeah baby it's hot. They're going to strip your soul away.

It's lonely, lonely

It's lonely

You get hungry

You get thirsty

You know you get thirsty

The pressure makes you crazy

Better watch your step, girl 

mbl.is Þingmenn féllust í faðma
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1 identicon

Feminiskur rembingskoss.

karl (IP-tala skráð) 17.5.2014 kl. 08:18

2 Smámynd: Wilhelm Emilsson

Ha ha. Vonandi kemst kossinn til skila!

Wilhelm Emilsson, 17.5.2014 kl. 21:18

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