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Hér er upphafiđ á hinni frábćru mynd The Big Lebowski. Lagiđ er „The Man in Me" međ Bob Dylan, sem er mađur sér aldrei á Best Of/Greatest Hits plötum međ honum, en mér finnst ţetta međ hans allra bestu lögum. Nick Cave sagđi ađ hann hefđi óskađ ţess ađ hann hefđi samiđ ţetta lag. UPPFĆRT: Ţetta er rangt hjá mér. Ţađ er lagiđ „I Threw It All Away" sem Nick Cave vildi kveđiđ hafa. Sem meikar meiri sens, ţví ađ Nick Cave hefur margstoliđ orgelspilinu í ţví lagi :)

The Man in Me 

The man in me will do nearly any task,

And as for compensation, there's little he would ask.
Take a woman like you 
To get through to the man in me.

Storm clouds are raging all around my door.

I think to myself I might not take it anymore.
Take a woman like your kind 
To find the man in me.

But, oh, what a wonderful feeling
Just to know that you are near,

Sets my heart a-reeling
From my toes up to my ears.

The man in me will hide sometimes to keep from bein´ seen
But that's just because he doesn't want to turn into some machine
Take a woman like you 

To get through to the man in me. 




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